What is Matter Management? An Introduction

Matter management refers to the activities relating to managing legal work. It encompasses many sub practices within it, including contract management and document management. Matter management is the process by which a legal firm gathers data, tracks and assigns its work. And this includes all legal services including budgeting and invoicing. A “matter” is defined broadly. It can be a simple legal task, or a more broad, complex legal project. The purpose of matter management is to provide a more organised, collaborative, interconnected administrative and logistical basis from which a legal firm can function.  

Matter Management Software 

Matter management software provides standard tools for lawyers to oversee their entire practice. These tools include advanced databases for past, current and future cases and clients. Document assembly, document management, CRM and business development tools, task and diary management, time tracking, and budget management, are some of the many ways matter management software can automate and improve efficiency at a law firm.

Managing Matters and Opening New Matters

When it comes to opening new matters, managing existing matters and reporting on matter progress, if a legal firm does not have a standardised process in place they run the risk of significantly limiting the potential of their efficiency, particularly when it comes to staff and labour costs. With the power of automation, legal firms can establish and enforce standardisation, which is the backbone of any efficient firm.

Matter management software provides a single data repository, where employees can sign on and have everything they need at their fingertips. This leads to greater communication, greater consistency, and greater overall business assimilation and configuration. Legal firms vary in size of course. But whether the firm faces a few hundred, or tens of thousands of “matters” each year, matter management software will impact staff productivity and automated processes will result in enormous gains across the board. 

Getting More Advanced

Leading Matter Management Software provides even more advanced tools for its users. For example, Lateral’s Decision Engine functionality can automate tasks by a date on the case, or any criteria that the user can define. This function can save thousands of hours a year on mundane, labour-intensive tasks. Furthermore, cloud-based Matter Management Software can easily integrate with other systems using API Web Services or connecting to third party web services. For legacy systems, Lateral has built a bespoke data exchange system which can be used to batch data in from accounting systems and other software systems. 

Matter Management: The Benefits

Implementing matter management software brings law firms three important benefits. 

  1. Since matter opening can be automated via standardised templates, it reduces the time and effort to open matters. 

  2. There is a single, central location for all matters. This single ‘source of truth’, leads to a more accurate and productive workplace for everyone.

  3. Running costs are reduced. By increasing visibility and collaboration, legal teams can more efficiently manage their workloads, which saves time and reduces running costs.

Do you want your legal firm to deliver a consistent, high quality service? Do you want to lower your running costs? Get in touch with LATERAL today to discover how our tools can increase the efficiency and effective of your law firm.