Top 5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Empowers Local Government

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is arguably the greatest tool at the disposal of local government as it aims to deliver strong public services during challenging times. If you can understand the technology and its benefits, local government processes can be revolutionised — transformed into proactive, low-friction, ethical projects. Nowhere is this more true than in the pursuit of debt recovery and debt collection — namely the management of council tax, business rates, housing rents, sundry income or parking fines. Here we explain the power of AI, and how its simple tools can optimise and personalise the process of local government. 

1. Debt Recovery, Debt Collection and Propensity Modelling 

Today many local councils leverage the power of AI via their debt recovery and debt collection software. Leading debt recovery software can set up workflows, offer multiple payment channels, and aggregate data from a number of different systems. An important recent AI breakthrough comes in the form of a “single customer view” or “single view of debt”. A single customer view, also known as propensity modelling, is an holistic representation of the data held by an organisation about its customers. It is a method for gathering all the data about a local authority’s debtor and merging it into a single, unified record, viewed in one location. It provides a clear overview of a debtor’s full situation in regards to the debt they owe the local council. This 360-degree view of citizen debt empowers councils and local authorities to help individuals pay off their arrears in a way that suits their specific circumstances. 

2. Automation Through Self-Service

Self-service options for customer service are booming. American Express’  recent Customer Service Barometer reported that more than six out of 10 consumers named a digital self-service tool, such as a website, mobile app, or online chat – as their go-to communication channel of choice. Customers want low-friction, fast resolution services. The speed and efficiency of AI-powered self-service tools determines their customer experience, and thereby the success of the local government’s overall operations. 

3. Omnichannel Communication

Connected to the concept of AI self-service is omnichannel communication. Omnichannel communication is a multichannel approach to customer interactions that is distinctive due to its focus on providing an integrated customer experience, through every available channel. An omnichannel debt collection strategy, powered by automation and AI, involves utilising text messaging, email and chat, in order to gain successful responses. Lateral offers 2 way SMS, Live Chat, and VOIP integration. Since all the content of the communications can be carefully constructed, controlled and automated, consumers feel much less harangued, and are more likely to respond to the local council’s enquiry or request. 

4. Smart Places and Town Planning

Another innovative use of AI in reshaping local government is by using data to optimise and manage how places are built and organised. As Station 10 explains, “there are endless opportunities to optimise how cities and towns operate, driving efficiencies in areas such as traffic management, air quality monitoring and waste collection. One local authority leading the way with the use of data is Bristol. For example, they are collecting data from 1500 smart lamp posts to drive improvements in environmental efficiency”. 

5. Chatbots and Automation

Chatbot platforms are an incredibly useful way to free up labour costs and increase efficiencies across government agencies and local councils. Today chatbot technology is so advanced that it can answer even the most obscure and specific of questions. Dedicated chatbot platforms can carry out a number of important and automated functions, and they can improve the facilitation of many, varied tasks. 

Get in touch with LATERAL to learn how we develop the perfect AI strategies for local councils and government agencies.