Top 5 Matter Management Software Tips for 2021

Matter Management is defined as the means by which you manage the process of a legal matter and its entire matter information (type of case, the fee payer working on the case, documents, budgets, calendar and bills) are managed and tracked. In recent years matter management software, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), has provided automation, control, and efficiency to law firms. Gartner states that “Legal matter management can optimise, even transform, core legal operations, while providing a basis for other investments in legal technology.” But what are the top five matter management tips legal teams should be looking to 2021. 

1. Creating Your Own Alerts

If your matter management software has a query builder you’re in a strong position to generate your own alerts. A user can create a search, and from that generate a system alert relating to that search. For example, “cases that haven’t been actioned for 30 days”, and the system can provide the user with a link on their dashboard which updates them as to the status of these cases. This can be a great tool to increase productivity. 

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2. Think about Reporting

Making good use of reporting functionality is another vital matter management software tip. Recovery rates, analysis against budgets, graphs, and WIP trends are some examples of the on-screen information that you should make available. This can give management true control over all of the matter management software system’s usage. 

3. Customise Your Dashboard

Countless firms use matter management software, but how many customise their software to meet their specific needs? 2021 is the time to take control of your own dashboard and make the software work for you in the way that meets the specific needs of your firm.

4. Integrate, Integrate, Integrate

Your firm is most efficient when fully optimised and fully integrated. Why use disparate systems when you can integrate your matter management software with your email platform, for example? The Lateral matter management solution has a plugin-architecture, allowing integration with both cloud-based systems and legacy systems, as well as seamless integration with SharePoint, Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Outlook, amongst many others. 

5. Manage Your Clients’ Satisfaction Levels

Keeping satisfied clients is very important to your business. And in 2021 you should be harnessing the power of matter management software to help you in this regard. Consider whether your matter management software would benefit from a client portal; a means of direct communication with your clients. The streamlined communication processes which result from a client portal naturally lend themselves to more prompt client feedback, via messaging etc. If you run your own law firm, you need to do your best to please your customers, satisfy their needs, and ultimately to keep them loyal to your business. 

If you need a new approach to matter management at your firm, get in touch with Lateral today, and learn how our software can streamline the running of your law firm and give you a strong competitive advantage.