Matter Management Software: Why You Should Already Be Using It

Businesses, local authorities, government agencies and law firms still spend an unwarranted amount of time attending to administrative tasks and looking for much-needed information. This can be a drain on resources and can have a direct impact on cash flow. Matter management systems, such as LATERAL, are complex software applications, which are intended to help organisations become more efficient and productive. The old adage is true: time is money. And so organisations can thrive if they can devote less time to certain tasks and procedures.  


The success of cloud-based matter management software lies first in the cost savings. Traditional server-based programs charge for updates, and they often don’t allow you to export data – in a way holding you hostage to their processes. At LATERAL we understand you’re working on the go, and that members of your organization need to work from anywhere in the world. Our cloud-based system places a great emphasis on security too, and provides regular backups of all your important data. And LATERAL’S software is now also available in smartphone friendly form.


Communication is critical to the work of customer serving organisations, but it is often paper-driven, labour-intensive and affected by errors. Automation is one of the greatest strengths of matter management software. LATERAL can automate key processes, lift the load from your staff, help drive growth and productivity, and provide advanced insights. Most importantly, its ultimate impact is a reduction in your running costs.

Matter management


Implementing matter management software has an immediate positive impact in terms of collaboration and communication amongst your organisation’s work force. Since you will have positioned all contact information in one place, it will be much easier to search and find the particular contact when needed. Staff no longer have to pull documents and information from different places, it’s all stored together. Communication with your clients and customers is improved and their satisfaction levels increase.

Once you embrace modernisation and pick a flexible, scalable matter management system like LATERAL, you can refocus on key issues of running your organisation.

Book a demo to see the benefits of LATERAL for yourself.