How To Prepare For Case Management System Demonstrations

Once you’ve done your research and made some enquiries you may now have a list of prospective legal case management software options for your firm. But if you need help further narrowing this list down, one great tactic is to undertake the free demos that the software companies provide. This way you can get a real handle on their product and see if it meets your needs in reality.

Since this is an important part of your process, we’ve outlined a few tips, which should help you make the most out of the demonstrations on offer:


Before you invest in a new case management system, you need to know if it’s going to meet the specific needs of your firm. You should know what aspects of the software system are important to you. And during the demonstration ask to be shown how these parts of the software work in reality. A useful question is: “how would I go about … ?” If you come to the demo prepared, you will get more from it.



Your colleagues might be feeling daunted or overwhelmed at the prospect of onboarding a new case management system at work. The easiest way to relieve this tension is to involve them as much as possible in the process from the beginning. Bring confident staff along to demos and have them ask questions and make enquiries. They will feel more involved, and they’re also likely to think of things you haven’t thought about.


Before you begin the demo, have a firm meeting and ascertain what you believe the software should provide you all with. Ask some of the following questions:

-        Do we want a cloud-based system? Or an on-premise system?

-        Do we require task and diary management facilities?

-        Do we require omni-channel communications and workflows?

-        How much automation will work for us? 

Get in touch today to schedule a DEMO with LATERAL, and see how we could help streamline your law firm’s client and case management processes.