How To Find The Best Attorney Case Management System

So your firm has begun its search for attorney case management software. This is a decision which may have stemmed from a number of factors, and it’s not a decision to be taken lightly without research and an understanding of the specific needs of your firm. So you can be fully satisfied with your investment, here we offer some useful tips when searching for the best attorney case management software.

1.    Write Your Checklist of Features

A good starting point is to draft a list of features you believe your firm needs. It’s much better if you know what attorney case management software features you require, rather than software brands telling you what you need. Some common important features include: 

-       Automated document production and sending.

-       Document management.

-       Interest calculator.

-       Client reporting.

-       Cloud-based login from anywhere in the world.

-       Easy integrations via API.

-       Task and diary management.

-       The ability of the software to modify and grow with your firm.

In addition to drafting a list of features you believe are important to you, it can also be useful to prioritise them. This way you begin your search for the best attorney case management software with a clear idea of what your requirements are in terms of wants vs needs.

Attorney Case Management Software

2.    Try the Demos

Attorney Case Management software providers are likely to offer free demos to their prospective users. This gives you a great opportunity to “try before you buy” and accurately determine if the software works for you and meets your needs. LATERAL is known for its friendly demo process — a clear walk-through with a knowledgeable sales person. You can request a free demo of Lateral’s attorney case management software here.

You can also check out our tips on preparing for system demos here.

3.    Security 

Security is perhaps the most important consideration when selecting the best attorney case management software for your firm. If your important legal data is not effectively protected the results could be disastrous for your business. LATERAL prides itself on its security strengths and possesses 256 BIT SSL SECURITY and Secure Private Cloud Technology. And for peace of mind, LATERAL also has a full ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management certification. 

4.    Consider Automation

Investing in attorney case management software can be expensive. But when you take into account the savings automation can bring you, overall you can save money. Once software is harnessed to automate tasks on your behalf, you’ll free up important labour resources, you’ll make fewer mistakes, and you’ll benefit from increased overall efficiency. All this means more billable hours and a greater cash flow.

LATERAL’s highly customisable CRM makes it easy for established firms, or newer ones, to easily transition to the next generation of advanced legal technology.

Find out more about LATERAL and our features HERE.