Five Top Tips For Successful CRM Implementation

Did you know that almost 75% of all CRM projects fail? The reason for this high failure rate is most often down to poor user adoption. So here we outline some top tips to ensure the CRM you invest in is implemented successfully. 

The truth is a solid Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) has never been more important. The ideal CRM should improve productivity, whilst also creating a stronger relationships with customers. When implemented correctly it can be an incredibly powerful asset.

1. Get Everyone Involved

It may seem obvious, but many don’t realise that a CRM implementation can only be successful if  people use the system and truly participate in the CRM itself. Research shows that a lack of support and use by senior executives is one of the top reasons any new project fails within a business setting. So, if possible, make sure everyone participates in the introduction and implementation of the CRM. Getting leaders on board will inspire CRM use throughout your organisation. 

2. Personalize Customer Service

Research from Target Marketing indicates that 48% of customers spend more after personalised e-commerce efforts have been made to attract them. Your CRM can work to offer insights into what your customers prefer, and suggest the most preferential means of contact. If you can personalise your communication, and send offers which are unique to your clients, you’ll reap the rewards. Lateral’s leading CRM provides a 360 degree view of customers and clients from both a personal and business perspective. 

3. Keep Updated

It’s important that your database is kept up to date and managed as carefully as possible. The best CRM works to eliminate duplicate records, and it also ensures that email addresses are kept clean and accurate. This means your business can increase the strength and accuracy of its communications.

4. Offer Training 

The truth is some people take to new software like a duck to water while others struggle to use a CRM for a long time. A project manager serves as a great figurehead to strategise how training should occur. You should work hard to introduce your employees to your new CRM system via the onboarding process provided by your software provider. This way all your personnel can come to grips with the power of the CRM from the start. And then in the future you can ascertain if some employees need a repetition of this training, or more assistance. 

5. Integrate the CRM 

It’s vital that your new CRM is integrated into your other software programs, and successfully locks into your other working methods.  A CRM integration is defined as the seamless connectivity between your customer relationship management (CRM) software and third-party applications. While CRM software is of course powerful on its own, integrating your CRM with other tools across your business will make your operations run much more smoothly. So when researching CRM find a software which provides great integration potential.

CRM can add value to your business in a number of crucial ways. Get in touch with Lateral today to see how our software can make difference to your business.