7 Reasons Why Using Cloud Based Computing Helps Your Business

In 2008 only 12% of UK business were using cloud-based software. Yet now, only 11 years later, cloud computing has gone mainstream. Virtually all organizations (96%) use it in one way or another. Here we outline the variety of benefits that your business can experience if it implements cloud-based computing solutions.

1.     Scalability

Having a flexible approach to business operations is useful tactic. With cloud based computing your business can scale up, or scale down, to suit your changing circumstances. Cloud software is capable of scaling as the business grows, without needing to invest in additional expensive hardware to support that growth.

2.    Collaboration Improves 

Another great benefit of cloud based computing is the impact it has upon collaboration within your business. Collaborating via the cloud is fast and convenient. If colleagues are in separate locations, cloud based software can connect and serve their communications with ease.

Cloud computing

3.     It Complies With Regulations

Cloud software is designed to comply with the latest regulations. This means, for example, that programs are GDPR compliant. As a result, your business can gain peace of mind knowing its achieving compliance and that its data is stored securely and safely. 

4.   It Keeps Data Up to Date

Another major attribute of cloud-based software is that data is always kept up to date. Information is reflected in real-time, and software updates are automatic and frequent. There are no more delays, which can negatively impact your efficiency.

 5.   It Reduces Costs

Businesses, no matter what their type or size, can make substantial savings by transitioning to cloud computing and cloud-based software. They can make substantial savings via a reduction in spending on equipment, infrastructure and hardware. And they typically experience much lower overall costs than businesses using ‘on-premise’ models.

6.     Enhanced Security

Another major benefit of cloud computing is its strict adherence by the cloud service providers to a high-level security protocol. DDoS (distributed denial of service) protection is an important benefit of a cloud based system. With a cloud-based security solution, you can reduce traffic which is directed to your company’s servers. This can allow you to disperse DDoD attacks, minimizing the security risk. 

7.    Insight

Many cloud-based storage solutions offer integrated cloud analytics for a detailed view of your business data. You can analyse this data and build customised reports, leading to increased efficiencies.

Cloud computing offers your business many benefits. It provides you with the opportunity to create a “virtual office”, which gives you the flexibility of connecting to your business any time and anywhere. And with the proliferation of smart phones and tablets, access to data is even easier than ever before.

In the end, a move to the Cloud requires expertise and a well-planned approach.  Want to know more about how LATERAL can help you with the Cloud? Get in touch today.