5 Top Tips to Take Your Legal Firm Mobile

Today over 2 billion people across the globe use smartphones and this number increases every day. This means mobile technology is opening up innovative new commerce opportunities for law firms. Here are some tips on how you can take your law firm mobile, to harness the power of new technology, and grow your business.

1. Optimize Your Website For Mobile

It’s important to give your website a mobile-friendly makeover. Most people will be accessing your website via their phone, so check to see how professional things look. Fine-tune the display on your mobile website for optimal viewing and navigation. This is often the very first impression prospective clients will have of your firm. 

2. Use Social Media

You can’t ignore the power of social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are powerful tools for law firms of all sizes to reach potential clients and grow their brand. Integrating your law firm to social media sites enables you to directly interact and connect with your target customers. And advances in mobile technology have helped in this regard. If you can professionally engage with current clients whilst also increasing your client base, you could experience incredible growth at your firm.

3. Take Your Software Mobile 

The best legal case management software providers will supply mobile-friendly access to their users. Your lawyers are on the move, and they need data at their fingertips. If they can log their billable hours via their mobile device, and track case details any time and from anywhere, your practice will become more efficient, which will have a positive impact on your credit control and profit. As an example, LATERAL provides its users with 24/7 mobile access. Your firm will move away from annoying spreadsheets and stacks of paperwork and towards a streamlined, fully digital operation.

4. Streamline

Streamline your law practice even further by centralising your matter management software and integrating scheduling, and billing so they can easily interact. And all this should be available at the touch of a button on your mobile device.


5. Create Your Own App

Have you ever considered an app for your firm? The average smartphone user has 80 apps on their phone, so why shouldn’t yours be included? Apps are a great way to brand your firm, actively engage your customers and increase your client base. A unique, downloadable app for your law firm might just be the exact answer to your question “how do I find new clients for my firm?” Mobile apps can help to improve processes and they delight clients. 

Making your law firm truly digital and mobile is the means by which you present yourself as being on the cutting edge of the profession. You’ll stay competitive, and continue to deliver to the highest standards that your clients demand of you.  

Get in touch with LATERAL to learn how we can help you take your legal firm mobile, and how this will have a lasting impact on your profitability.